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York College’s Professor Celebrated During National Poetry Month

National Poetry Month is a special April event recognizing poets' meaningful impact on society. One poet celebrated this month is York College’s own Dr. Lindamichelle Baron, associate professor in the Department of Teacher Education and the inaugural poet laureate for the Town of Hempstead, Long Island.  

Earlier this month, Dr. Baron, an author of books, graced a crowded room with her poetry during “A Poet Tea,” a unique collaboration between School District 29 and York College’s Department of Teacher Education.  School District 29, which encompasses 29 schools, extended a special invitation to three students from each school, along with a family member or guardian, to engage with Dr. Baron.  

Here is one of Dr. Baron’s most impactful poems from her book,” The Sun is On.” It’s called: Idea Sitting

Some people write and they’re through with it, but when I write, I write and sit.
I write … cross out …put in some more

And when I’m finished … finally … for sure … I sit back, ideas down and done.
Then out of the air pops another one.

We look forward to seeing more of Dr. Baron, who will be the MC at the York College Commencement next month!